OPMetrics App
KPI metric information to your team

How OPMetrics Works
App Metrics
All your Data in One Place
Latest Branch/Department Metrics
Branch or Department managers can know the actual value of KPI metrics for the entire group
Technicians Metrics
Users can know what is the status of the particular KPIs that apply to them
The app publishes a set of APIs for your company to manage and upload automatically your KPI metric values

Other Branches/Departments Metrics
You can also know the performance of other branches or departments
Historical Metrics
A way to view the past performance of KPI to track your progress
Reaching Targets
It shows you the effectiveness of your company and employee at achieving key business objectives
All the features
A glance at the user experience
Users can view their KPI metrics depending on its roles: User/employee/Technician, Branch or Department manager, Region manager, global manager, etc.